My work

Take a look at what I've been working on upon completion of the SheCodes Workshops!

Preview of Denisa M Tudor's flowers app

Flowers App

My very first project with basic HTML and CSS. NOT responsive.

Preview of Denisa M Tudor's weather app

Weather App

Advanced HTML, CSS, and responsive design. Advanced JavaScript, APIs, Flexbox and Bootstrap. Tools: Git, GitHub and Netlify

Preview of Denisa M Tudor's portfolio website


Advanced HTML, CSS, and responsive design. Advanced JavaScript, Flexbox and Bootstrap. Tools: Git, GitHub and Netlify

Preview of Denisa M Tudor's weather app using React

React Weather App

I've built the same weather app but this time using React. Advanced HTML, CSS, and responsive design. Flexbox and Bootstrap. Tools: Git, GitHub and Netlify

Preview of Denisa M Tudor's dictionary app using react

React Dictionary App

I've built a Dictionary App using React. Advanced HTML, CSS, and responsive design. Flexbox and Bootstrap. Tools: Git, GitHub and Netlify.