About me

From Civil Engineer to Front-end Developer

Denisa selfy

"When nothing goes right....Go left!" is the guideline I try to follow in life , and this is exactly what I did when I decided to change my profession and take the coding path. Long story short about me, after moving to Norway in 2019, going through a pregnancy while the entire globe was under a pandemic situation, finally the moment to go back to work arrived the summer of 2021 !!! Well .... so I thought so . After months of sending my CV and applying for jobs , with no results, not a single interview I realized I was in real need for a plan B, or since nothing was going RIGHT I decided to make a LEFT turn and enroll on the SheCodes Workshops . So here I am, Junior Front-end Developer.
Why coding?
Well, that's another long story short for another time, for those interested.